Life is best enjoyed not by sitting on the sidelines and watching, but by jumping in and taking part. Whatever you must do, it is never too much trouble.
When there is a way you can make a difference, then by all means make it. If there is something you have to offer, then offer it, with gratitude and enthusiasm.
Don’t just sit there desperately maintaining the fantasy that you’re better than everybody else. Humble yourself to being a sincere servant of life’s best possibilities and see how great it all can really be.
Stop looking for ways to avoid effort and instead start developing strategies to make each effort more effective. Feel your true greatness through the meaningful work you do.
Step back and realize again how fortunate you are to be here today, right where you are. Then step in and put that good fortune to work in new and exciting ways.
Joy awaits, so go get it and share it through your efforts as widely as you can imagine. Life awaits, so live it fully and see for yourself that it’s never too much trouble.
— Ralph Marston
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