Friday, 4 December 2015

Apply Here For Google Hash Code Programming Competition 2016

About Competition
Hash Code is a team-based programming competition organized by Google for students and industry professionals (18+) across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. You pick your team and programming language, we pick a real-life engineering problem to solve. Are you up for the challenge?

For each round of the competition Google will present a problem (see past problems here) and your team will write a program in order to generate a solution. Your team can submit as many solutions as you’d like to the online Judge System, and a live scoreboard will let you know how you stack up against the competition.

Top scoring teams will win cool Google prizes, because of course you can’t host a programming competition without something to work for! Convinced yet? Grab some teammates, get signed up and let the countdown begin.

Eligibility Requirements:
 •Hash Code is open to university students and industry professionals (18+) in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
 •Participants register and compete in teams of two to four.

TimelineThe competition takes place over two rounds:

•Thursday, 11th February 2016 18:30 to 22:30 CET
 •Online Qualification Round. Your team can participate from one of our competition hubs or from wherever else you’d like.
 •Saturday, 19th March 2016 9:30 to 21:30 CET
 •Final Round. Top scoring teams from the Online Qualification Round will be invited to Google Paris to compete in the Final Round of the competition.

Sign Up for the Google Hash Code team-based Programming Competition

For More Information, visit

Application Deadline: 9th February 2016

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