Thursday, 3 December 2015

Vladimir Putin threaten Turkey: You will regret warplane downing 'for a long time'

Story highlights

•"We shall remind them many times about what they've done," Vladimir Putin says of Turkey
•Turkey shot down Russian plane November 24, saying it was over Turkish airspace
•Tensions between Turkey and Russia have flared in the wake of the plane downingTurkey has only just begun to feel repercussions for downing a Russian warplane last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned during his annual state of the nation address Thursday, hours before the countries' foreign ministers were to meet amid simmering tensions.

 "If somebody thought that after committing a treacherous war crime -- the killing of our people -- it would be possible to get away with mere restrictions on the trade of tomatoes, or some other restrictions ... then they are grossly mistaken," Putin said.

"We shall remind them many times about what they've done, and they will regret what they've done for a long time," he said. "We know what needs to be done."
Source: CNN

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